Friday, January 14, 2011

Factory Studios Opens Door With Great Success.

Factory Studios
A picture taken a few nights before the Grand Opening shows off the new home of more than a dozen artists in nine private studios.

Last night was the big opening, and while I was in my studio, chatting with folks wanting to see the new digs, and discussing some new projects I have coming up, the streets outside were lined with cars and folks were having a hard time finding a place to park despite the numerous large empty lots of surrounding building that sat empty at the end of the work day.

The line up includes, writers, textile artists, screen printers, glass artists, musicians, activists, bloggers, printers, sculptors, graphic designers, welders, and a whole lot more.

Travis Walker was the brain child behind, Factory Studios and lots more have jumped on board.  I know, I for one, and am excited by the new space, I have been working in there for three months now.  Sometimes I am the only one and others I am surrounded by others working and creating, but the buzz has been building, and if the 1000+ attendance last night has anything to do with it, I think the buzz will continue.  My new studio gives me more room, (I guess anything is better than the dining room table!) and I have already begun to collaberate with other artists.  I am sharing equipment with another glass artist, and learning new techniques, and incorporating silk screening into my designs.

So next time you are getting your car clean or fixed, picking up a UPS package, or cutting through the backway to the High School stop in and say hi.  There is bound to be someone there to show you around, and you might even catch an artist in the act of Creating!

The New Kiln and Dung Beetle by Ben Roth

1 comment:

  1. John,
    That sounds like lots of fun and I'm excited to see your spot this summer....GiGi too, of course!
